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F4T Firmware Updates

Version 04:07:0012 Firmware - Released October 14, 2020

What's New?


  • Added support for SMB 3.0 to allow Samba data log transfers to computers running Windows 10, version 1803 and above. Depending on system/network configuration, current Samba settings may need to be adjusted to transfer files.

Note: After any firmware update to the controller, it is recommended that users confirm data log files continue to be properly transferred via the selected mechanism (Samba or TFTP).

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where, when Ethernet settings were changed from Fixed IP to DHCP, a power cycle was required for the changes to take effect. A power cycle is no longer needed.
  • Fixed an issue where the Control PID Loops button did not show in the Settings menu when the device is configured only for a cascade loop without a control loop.
  • Fixed an issue where the names of color options in Personalization and Trending were not updated immediately to reflect Language changes in Global Settings.
  • Added missing foreign language translations for Add Features (field upgrade) screen and notification pop-ups related to USB stick/file detection for file transfer & firmware updates.
  • Fixed an issue where a running profile would be terminated due to a momentary input issue (duration < 500 ms) that was not long enough to register an input error. The input error timing that causes a profile to terminate was adjusted to be consistent with that to trigger an input error/alarm.

IMPORTANT: The choice of file depends on the existing version of firmware on the F4T controller being updated: 

If current version is 3.06 or older, use this file: F4T FIRMWARE 4.07.0012 (use with 3.06 or older) (116 M)
NOTE: This update will take approximately 25 minutes to complete. DO NOT TURN OFF POWER DURING THIS TIME. WAIT FOR THE F4T TO RESTART ON ITS OWN!

If current version is 4.00 or newer, use this file: F4T FIRMWARE 4.07.0012 (use with 4.00 or newer) (21 M)

Version 04:06:0093 Firmware - Released February 4, 2020

What's New?

NEW Email/Text Alert Feature:
This firmware release adds the email/text feature. An email or text alert informs the recipient that an event has occurred that could enable them to be either reactive or proactive in their approach to remedy the application.


  • Option added to adjust Ambient Offset during the Field Calibration process.
  • Added Modbus registers for accessing the Name Member of all function blocks.
  • Added capability to update Ethernet settings without having to perform a power cycle.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where the Clear Profile Status button would not immediately clear the Profile Status icon.

IMPORTANT: The choice of file depends on the existing version of firmware on the F4T controller being updated:

If current version is 3.06 or older, use this file: F4T FIRMWARE 4.06.0093 (use with 3.06 or older) (116 M)
NOTE: This update will take approximately 25 minutes to complete. DO NOT TURN OFF POWER DURING THIS TIME. WAIT FOR THE F4T TO RESTART ON ITS OWN!

If current version is 4.00 or newer, use this file: F4T FIRMWARE 4.06.0093 (use with 4.00 or newer) (21 M)

Version 04:05:0007 Firmware - Released May 23, 2019

What's New?


  • New functionality to support a connected USB mouse
  • Expanded list of SCPI communication commands – cascade loop, an profiles
  • Expanded list of parameters available for "My Menu"

Bug Fixes:

  • Messages not appearing in the home screen drop-down window shade - message tab
  • Prior code versions 4.03 / 4.04 inability to revise back to previous older firmware revisions
  • Refresh of home screen personalization page content and trend screen pen selections would sometimes prevent the ability to scroll down through their menu selection lists

Version 04:03:0108 Firmware - Released January 9, 2019

What's New?


  • New Feature: Batch Processing with Bar Code Data Entry (enablement requires feature upgrade for an additional cost).
  • Additional SCPI commands.
  • Date/time is now displayed on the controller’s status bar.

Version 04:02:0010 Firmware - Released July 2, 2018 (updater enhanced December 2018 to prevent the possibility of update failures)

What's New?


  • Updated to support up to four simultaneous Modbus TCP connections and one Modbus RTU connection (only a single Modbus TCP or RTU connection was supported previously).

Bug Fixes:

  • Modbus socket is now being released when communications are lost.
  • Clear button is no longer displayed on Limit Alarm pop-up and notification pull down when Limit condition is Active. Button had no effect in this condition.
  • Fixed an issue where, with multiple Limits and multiple Home screens, one Home screen Limit display would continue to flash red after the all Limit conditions were corrected.
  • Fixed an issue where Digital I/O and KEY Data Log points were being disabled when importing a configuration via USB or Composer software.
  • Digital inputs are now shown in list of available Data Log Points.
  • Fixed an issue where, when configuring in Composer software, the Digital I/O block would not connect to the Data Logging block if the Digital I/O Flex Module was located in higher numbered slots of the F4T.
  • 3 Vertical dots are now displayed properly on the 3rd Loop of a 4-Loop Home screen view.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented modifying steps from the GUI after adding a profile with SpecView.
  • Fixed an issue where Profile step changes were not saved after a power cycle when multiple steps were added and the first step(s) were deleted.
  • Fixed an issue where Profile passwords could apply to the wrong Profile after deleting a Profile from the list.
  • Fixed an issue where the F4T User Interface did not always display Profile step type changes made via Composer software until after a power cycle.

Version 04:01:0000 Firmware - Released February 13, 2018

NOTE: This update is only for controllers with revision 3:06 or older! It will take approximately 25 minutes to complete. Because this includes a kernel update, you cannot downgrade to earlier revisions once this is done.

What's New?


  • Kernel updates to enable future feature development.
  • Improved responsiveness of the touchscreen.
  • Improved sharpness of display graphics.
  • Improved speed of Ethernet file transfers.
  • Improved dual USB Host port functionality.
  • Settings for Ethernet and Custom Calibration will no longer be changed when performing a "Restore Settings from Factory" using COMPOSER.
  • Modified the Configuration file Save process so that Time Zone and Ethernet settings are no longer saved. Modified the Configuration file Import process so that Time Zone and Ethernet settings are no longer overwritten.
  • Asian Language font file now comes pre-loaded from the factory (Japanese, Korean & Chinese Languages).

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where Error / Alarm pop-ups would only be displayed on the screen that was in use at the time they occurred.
  • Fixed an issue where advancing the Date by more than 25 days or leaving the control powered continuously for more than 25 days would result in a temporary GUI lock-up when scrolling within any list screen.
  • Fixed an issue where a Process / Math block with function set to "Differential" or "Absolute Difference" outputs a value in scientific notation (not applicable for TestEquity chambers).
  • Fixed an issue where changing Display Units via the Global Settings screen (C to F or F to C) would not change the value displayed on the Home Screen for Current Set Point (CSP) on a Cascade Loop, if the CSP was static. The value shown was the same, but unit label was updated (i.e. 100 F was displayed as 100 C). If the CSP was not static (changing), the value was displayed properly.
  • Fixed an issue where a USB stick may not be recognized.
  • Fixed an issue where invalid Modbus register data could be reported while the control is booting up. Modbus RTU/TCP communications are now held off until the F4T control is ready and all register information is valid.

Version 03:06:0011 Firmware - Released May 5, 2017

What's New?


  • Improved response time to display the list of Profiles when a large number of Profiles are present.
  • Allow export of partial data log file via the "Transfer Files Now by" option under Data Log > Data Log File Transfer.
  • Added SCPI commands for controllers with Cascade Control.
  • Added legacy F4 commands to new Data Map 3 for controllers with Cascade Control.
  • Additional legacy F4 commands to Data Map 2.

Bug Fixes:

  • Adding a profile directly from the home screen Profile Actions button no longer results in the first existing profile being overwritten.
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in Profile #1 being overwritten when importing a profile to a system containing 39 existing Profiles.
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the list of available Profile actions that was displayed to be incorrect immediately after stopping the current Profile run. This could prevent the user from starting a new Profile run.
  • Fixed Profile export to USB from the controller File Transfer menu. Previous Versions 3.03 - 3.05 created a Profile_0.wpf file that was unusable.
  • Fixed an issue where changes to the Ethernet Netmask would revert to the default setting of

Download Version 03:06:0011 Firmware (25 M)
Download the firmware update procedure for Version 03:06:0011 (pdf, 199 K)

Version 03:05:0001 Firmware - Released November 27, 2016

What's New?

Bug Fixes:

  • From the touch screen if a user changes the input function from a valid input type such as "Thermocouple" or "RTD" to "None" the input will disappear from the input operations and settings menus. The new firmware will enable the user interface to still show the input even though the input has been disabled to have no active function.
  • When navigating to a detailed menu list (e.g. Settings > Input menu > Input 1) the title of the details list screen (in this example - Input 1) might display the name of the last detailed menu previously visited. The new code revision correctly refreshes the screen title name of the detail list.
  • Retains all profiles >8 after a power cycle. Bug issue only occurred in versions 03.02 and 03.03.

Version 03:03:0020 Firmware - Released November 17, 2016

What's New?


  • If data logging is running and there is a temporary power loss or power off-on cycle the F4T will automatically resume data logging when powered back on.
  • A new function block for data logging is available in the function block diagram view (must also use Composer version 3.2 or greater). The new data log function block includes a receiver which accepts a digital signal to start and/or stop data logging. Example: Can now use digital inputs, soft keys, alarms, profile events, timers and many other function blocks to start/stop data logging.

Bug Fixes:

  • Alarm clear button is now appearing correctly for latched alarms.
  • Removed scrolling ability on time for calendar start.
  • Background trending flat-line fixed for universal inputs.
  • Profile step parameters now show correctly on the first creation of step type in UI.
  • Parameters for profile jump steps are now accessible via the UI.
  • Wrapped text no longer is cut off on dual home screen views.
  • Fixed unknown data log header name for profile number.

Version 03:02:0010 Firmware - Released September 30, 2016

What's New?


  • Improved system performance and responsiveness of touchscreen.
  • Added new Snapshot functionality under the Help menu. When Snapshot is enabled, a tap of the “?” button will take a snapshot of the screen and store it on a USB device inserted into the USB host port.
  • Added a user notification to not remove a USB stick (if applicable) or perform a file transfer while internal processing of the encrypted data log file is taking place. The message is sent via a pop up and a message in the alarm bar that flashes until processing is complete. This is to protect a user from data loss that could result from performing these activities before data processing is complete.
  • Modified the Configuration file save so that custom calibration parameters are no longer saved.
  • Modified the Configuration file import process so that custom calibration parameters are no longer overwritten.
  • Improved load time of categories in Settings, My Menu.
  • File Transfer progress bar now displays "Complete" message when transfer has finished.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed issue where the Settings button in Main Menu would disappear when Security for Setup and Global Settings were set to No Access.
  • Fixed issue with Installed Features screen that would incorrectly show Profiles = Yes for some part numbers.
  • Fixed issue where error & alarm pop-ups would only be shown on the screen they first appeared on.
  • Remote IP field on Data Log File Transfer menus now has space for full address.
  • Fixed issue where Remaining Profile time would incorrectly display 00:00 when: 1) a Profile contained a Soak step with time of 0 hours, 0 min, 0 sec or 2) when a profile would resume after a power outage that was within the Power Out Minutes, Power Out Hours time.
  • Fixed scrolling on Error / Alarm bar pull down when more than one screen of information was present.
  • Fixed issue where GSD did not hold when GSD was enabled and only a cascade loop was connected.

Version 03:01:0011 Firmware - Released July 13, 2016

What's New?

  • Bug fixes only.

Bug Fixes:

  • Notification bar no longer flashes when messages are present.

Version 03:00:0010 Firmware - Released April 21, 2016

What's New?

Added Features

Trend Graphing: (Requires a key-code to add Trend Graphing. Contact TestEquity for the cost to upgrade your F4T.)

  • Up to four trend screens can be created
  • Maximum number of parameters per trend chart is six
  • User programmable options include: trend titles, pen colors, chart gridlines, parameters to view, user defined names trend parameters and auto or manual Y-axis scaling
  • Snapshot screen capture feature – trend chart image saved to USB thumb drive
  • Details and setup videos HERE

Data Logging - added capabilities:

  • Ability to log directly to USB memory stick
  • User can now select which parameters to data log
  • Users can type in annotation notes while the F4T is data logging
  • Ability to transfer data log files over Ethernet or to the USB host port
  • Details and setup videos HERE

Operations Menu

  • Expanded list of parameters available via UI.

Setup parameter settings

  • Expanded list of parameters available via UI.

My Menu - Custom User Menu

  • Users can now create their own custom defined menu list of parameters.

Display Brightness

  • User adjustable to maximize screen life and viewing comfort


  • Parameter list has been greatly expanded.

Bug Fixes

  • When profile step hours exceeded 100 hours, it would never reach completion.
  • Overall profile time not calculated correctly with a ramp rate step.
  • When running a profile with a loop disabled and that loop has guaranteed soak enabled for that step, the step may never complete because the loop is not controlling.
  • Configurations or profiles that are exported via the Controller user interface (USB) or Composer®, should be able to be imported using either of those available methods.
  • Importing would fail if part number differences were detected. If this is the case, only relevant information from the saved configuration will be used.

Version 02:04:0024 Firmware - Released January 26, 2016

What's New?

  • Bug fixes only.

Bug Fixes

  • Notification bar now indicates correct # of messages that are present.
  • Notification bar no longer flashes when messages are present.
  • Fixed issue with notification bar showing alarm even after Alarm Function block output goes to off.
  • When an active alarm is turned off, and then turned back on; the latched alarms, the alarm delay timer, and silencing were not cleared. This issue has been fixed.
  • Profile set points are now written correctly in degrees C using Modbus.
  • When using the Control Loop Function Block, the Set Point was not displayed correctly on the User Interface when the active levels were changed for either the REN or MAN receivers. This problem has been corrected.

Version 02:03:0010 Firmware - Released November 19, 2015

What's New?

  • Bug fixes only.

Bug Fixes

  • Display of the power bar in the home screen intermittently shows an erroneous extra section of the bar at the high end of the range.
  • Some SCPI communications using various third party software packages were failing.
  • Cascade PV on GUI does not change with simple set point.
  • This issue would occur when a profile event output is connected to a logic block receiver while the logic block transmitter is connected to a control loop “off” receiver. If the profile event output is active before the profile is started, the “Current Set Point” will not be updated with the (profile) Target Set Point.
  • When entering calibration menu and entering a mV value from keypad, returning to cal screen stops updating the mV value.

Version 02:02:0046 Firmware - Released October 9, 2015

What's New?

  • Ability to run profile anytime regardless of security
  • Added Modbus® registers for profile discovery
  • Import/export of a maximum configuration via USB now possible

Bug Fixes

  • Sluggish user interface or screen freeze
  • Modbus® converting all values to degrees C correctly
  • Universal input clear error parameter is now only active if the input loop error latching is on
  • Correct PID set is used when doing a cascade auto-tune in deviation mode
  • UI changes alarm notification when flipping from high alarm to low alarm
  • Pluggable modules screen scrolls properly
  • OK button on calibration finished screen responds properly
  • "Next" button label appears correctly instead of as "20333" in calibration wizard step 5
  • Time remaining during last minutes of a profile now shows correct time
  • Profiles can now be started even if the Disable Active Level = Low with nothing connected to that profile input

Version 02:01:0015 Firmware - Released July 1, 2015

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed several UI bugs
  • Fixed several data logging bugs
  • Reduced screen to screen transition delays
  • Start-up routine improvements

Version 01:02:00:0010 Firmware - Released May 1, 2015

Bug Fixes

  • Data logging status, Ethernet and USB icons show in status bar at the top
  • Ability to archive and transfer profiles via USB thumb drive
  • Ability to archive and transfer settings via USB thumb drive
  • Data logging function now available (optional on older units, included after June 1, 2015)
  • SCPI commands via Ethernet (port 5025)
    • SCPI commands are limited to read process value and read/write set point at this time. Future releases may have additional SCPI commands. Full commands remain available via Modbus protocol.
  • New personalization options
    • Can move control loop to top, middle or bottom
    • Can choose to palate color of each loop (11 color options)
    • Can choose icon and button ring colors for Main Menu
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