Cannot Ship Air
- Description
- Specifications
- Documents
- NSF Registered
- ExcelÂlent for small cavities
- Fine spray mist with adjustable nozzle
- Leaves NO residue
- Cleans withÂout wiping
- Safe from toxic fumes
- ConÂtrolled evaporation
- Will not induce bleeding
- EcoÂnomÂiÂcal
DAC-103 Universal All Purpose Degreaser has unique ion disÂburseÂment capaÂbilÂiÂties proÂvidÂing rapid cleanÂing and degreasÂing along along with removal of body oil and finÂger prints, to allow supeÂrior appliÂcaÂtion of platÂing agents and lubriÂcants. DAC’s unique 3 way adjustable spray tip proÂvides variÂable setÂtings: High spray – for flushÂing overnight; Medium spray – for removÂing mold release build-up; and Low spray – for removÂing plasÂtic residue
Brand:Â DAC Industries
Flammable:Â Yes
Flammability Rating:Â 4