
Testo 0572 2151 External Temperature / Humidity Stub Probe, For Saveris 2-H2

Our Part #20015585

Mfr Part #0572 2151

Testo 0572 2151

Testo 0572 2151 External Temperature / Humidity Stub Probe, For Saveris 2-H2

Our Part #20015585


Mfr Part #0572 2151

  • Stub temperature/humidity probe for Saveris 2 H2 wireless logger, plugs in to the DIN port at the bottom of the H2 unit Measurement range: relative humidity 0 to 100%; temperature -22 to 122deg F / -30 to 50deg C

Saveris 2 stub probe for measurement of ambient air temperature and relative humidity in open spaces or walk-in coolers. The humidity/temperature probe plugs to the port at the bottom of the logger. The Saveris H2 DIN plug port also accepts flexible cable temperature/humidity probe 0572 6172, for insertion to environmental chambers, incubators, or air ducts.

The humidity sensor for measuring relative humidity is designed to provide long term stability. It is condensation resistant and can be calibrated with traceable NIST certification.

Brand: Testo
Temperature Range: -30 to +50°C
Includes: 1 x plug-in stub humidity/temperature probe 0572 2151 for use with testo Saveris 2-H2 Wi-Fi data logger 0572 2005
Type: Temperature probe
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