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DAQM901A 20-Channel General Purpose Multiplexer Module
The Keysight DAQM901A is a highly versatile multiplexer designed for general-purpose scanning. It features dense, multifunction switching with scan rates of 80 channels per second, making it suitable for a wide range of data acquisition tasks. The module supports both two- and four-wire channels simultaneously. Additionally, it includes two extra fused inputs (22 channels in total) that can route up to 1 A of current to the internal DMM, enabling AC and DC current measurements without the need for external shunt resistors.

Key Features:
80 ch/s scanning
Two- and four-wire scanning
Built-in thermocouple reference junction
300 V switching
DAQ970/73A Data Acquisition System Mainframe Highlights
The 3-slot mainframe for housing DAQ plug-in modules (sold separately) has the benefit of proven Keysight measurement performance, universal inputs with built-in signal conditioning, and modular flexibility, all in a low-cost, compact data acquisition package. Mix and match by choosing from 10 switch, RF and control plug-in modules to get just the functionality you need right now - then change or add more channels later as your application grows.
As accurate as the best bench DMM available, the DAQ970A/DAQ973A features 6 1/2 digits (22 bits) of resolution, 0.003% basic dcV accuracy, and ultra-low reading noise. Combine that with scan rates of up to 450 channels/sec, and you’ve got the speed and accuracy you need to get the job done right.