
Siglent SDS7000A-CT-100BASE-T 100Base-TX Compliance Testing Option, For SDS7000A Oscilloscopes

Our Part #20003025

Mfr Part #SDS7000A-CT-100BASE-T

Siglent SDS7000A-CT-100BASE-T

Siglent SDS7000A-CT-100BASE-T 100Base-TX Compliance Testing Option, For SDS7000A Oscilloscopes

Our Part #20003025

Mfr Part #SDS7000A-CT-100BASE-T


Siglent SDS7000A-CT-100BASE-T 100Base-TX Compliance Testing Option

Features And Specifications

  • Compatible with SDS7000A oscilloscopes
  • FX-ETH test fixture sold separately

The Siglent SDS7000A-CT-100BASE-T is the 100Base-TX compliance testing option for SDS7000A oscilloscopes. It tests the following items:

  • AOI Template, Peak Voltage (POS, NEG, Signal Amplitude Symmetry), Overshoot (POS, NEG), Rise/Fall Times (POS Rise Time, Pos Fall Time, POS Rise/Fall Symmetry, NEG Rise Time, NEG Fall Time, NEG Rise/Fall Symmetry, Overall Rise/Fall Symmetry), Duty Cycle Distortion, Peak to Peak Transmit Jitter, Return Loss (Transmitter Return Loss, Receiver Return Loss)

Several Versions Available

Siglent offers several compliance testing software options for use with its SDS7000A oscilloscope series. The chart below outlines each protocol, and the corresponding part numbers for software and test fixtures.

ProtocolSW Part NumberTest Fixture

When the user sets up the environment according to the prompts, by using the related test fixture, the oscilloscope and related instruments can be automatically set up and related measurement, calculation, decoding and other functions will be used for testing, helping the user to complete each test project quickly and efficiently, and reports are generated automatically.

For more detailed information on each protocol, please see pages 15-16 of the datasheet document.

Brand: Siglent
Putting Innovation to the Test

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