Associated Research
Associated Research

Associated Research RTB-01 Remote Test Box, Pass - Fail, CE Listed

Our Part #59204.1

Mfr Part #RTB-01

Associated Research RTB-01
Associated Research
Associated Research

Associated Research RTB-01 Remote Test Box, Pass - Fail, CE Listed

Our Part #59204.1


Mfr Part #RTB-01


RTB-01 Remote Test Box

The RTB is a Remote Test and Reset Control Box. It comes in two different configurations: RTB-01 and RTB-02. Both models utilize the connection of Remote Input/Output on the back of all compatible Ikonix USA models.

Both RTB-01 and RTB-02 can be used to initiate and reset a test. The RTB-02 has an additional feature (LED's) which allows the operator to monitor the PASS, FAIL and PROCESSING signals. The three LED's on the box will display whether a test is in process, passed or failed. Green LED for PASS, Red LED for FAIL and Yellow LED for PROCESSING. Additionally, the RTB-02 requires a 9V DC input to light up the three LED's.

Brand: Associated Research
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