- Description
- Specifications
- Documents
- Excellent for Removing Gas Build-Up
- Leaves No Residue
- Removes Polystyrenes, Polycarbonates, Nylons, Colfax and some Delrins
- Fast Acting
- No Residue
- CFC Free
- Adjustable Spray Tip
- No Strong Odor
DAC-102 is the most advanced, careÂfully blended CFC free solÂvent aerosol creÂated for the use of resin removal and mold cleanÂing, and allows for the fast and effiÂcient removal of polyÂcarÂbonÂates and polyÂstyrenes. The special formula will soften hard plasÂtics such as nylon and delÂrin polystyrenes, and adjustable spray tip proÂvides verÂsaÂtilÂity and preÂcise spray direcÂtion for small areas withÂout residue.
On Line Mold Cleaner and Resin Remover is a direct replaceÂment for ChloÂriÂnated SolÂvents. It is an ideal mold cleaner for use at the press while in proÂducÂtion, and will aid in cleanÂing off plasÂtic build-up and unwanted greases and oils, yet will work as a uniÂverÂsal bench mainÂteÂnance product